Thursday 18 March, 2010

No More - "No More Girls Gang"

There are very few incidents in a man's life that change life upside down. One such incident happened to me last week.

For the better part of college life I was a member of the "No More Girls Gang" (henceforth "NMGG"). As the name suggests, we swore against the very act of a boy falling in love with a girl. We had some very strong ground rules; never look at the same girl for more than 10 minutes, never stay in the same place if the girl looks at you for more than 10 minutes, are some I can remember now. And I liked life that way. But a bus ride last week, shook the very foundations of that life. A simple, almost nothing of a ride made me question myself in a way like never before. Consequently, there are two guys inside me now. They are quite literally tearing me apart, fighting on every issue. First is the old guy, speaking of what I believed were eternal truths. And the other is this new guy, looking at life differently (with a little bit more sense, I hope).

The incident happened to me when I was riding to work. This girl who commutes with me on the same bus, made me question the very existence of the NMGG fraternity. To cut a long story short, her mystic gazes simply put an end to the NMGG. So, when I decided to shut down the operations of the gang, the two guys in me demanded space on this blog.

Here goes...

(The words in italics and in brackets are from the old guy. The others, from the new one)  

Last week, with heavy heart I decided to stop the NMGG's activities. The reason; its last loyal member (yours truly) recently had an unexpected change of heart. (This guy is crazy, don't believe him)

A little bit of history here. The "No-More Girls Gang" was formed by a group of disillusioned bachelors in my college (True Revolutionists). The gang boasted of heavy following in the testosterone charged and estrogen starved college of mine. Of course, that's a little bit over the top (No way!). But for its followers these words were gospel truth. But as college life progressed, one by one, the members started leaving (Those b*st*rds). And by the end, the once sought after gang was reduced to a single man force. Its operations and weekly meetings were held and attended, at the same time, by me (Bravo..!). There have been occasions when I had to introduce myself as the keynote speaker, deliver a breathtaking speech and clap in the end too. My commitment to the cause was beyond nature's compulsions. Or so I thought.

Last week when I was riding a bus to office, I met this girl who quite literally blew me off. (What???!!! An innocuous bus ride brought to end a major social movement? Someone better alert the police. This is sabotage). I don't know her name, don't know where she lives, worse still, I haven't heard her voice, but still I'm willing to abandon a cause so close to my heart? I know I am crazy (Yeah, you are). But this is something I like and I can't restrict myself by being tied to the past. Yes, the NMGG was truly revolutionary (Now, we are talking dude...). It brought about irreversible changes in the lives of many people, for which I am proud off. But the time has come now. One last hurrah for the "No More Girls Gang" (What the F***). This is it guys. See you on the other side (To hell with you, any volunteers..??? Come on guys... Oh, God No...).


  1. Ur in love. go tell her fast fast.....its a beautiful blog space. very well written and waiting to read more!

  2. Wish I knew.. Will update if I know.

  3. This is news to me, U being blown away by someone..Whoa, this is far from truth :D

    Anyway, I think it is time u write a romantic novel,waiting to read the interesting tid-bits ;)

  4. hey.. am not able to identify you by ur profile name. ur profile page doesnt have anything too.. you are..??
